Coduri de baza
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Coduri de baza
1. orice pagina incepe cu:
Aici in sectiunea body intra tot ce tine de continut.
2. <a href> = ancora
3. <img src "link img">
4. <b>bold</b>
5. <i> italic </i>
6. <tt> italic and teletype </tt>
7. <br>rand nou</br>
8. <big> mare </big>
9. <small> mic </small>
10. <s> taiat </s>
11. <u> subliniat </u>
<u> HTML rulez but it's hard to learn </u>
Aici in sectiunea body intra tot ce tine de continut.
2. <a href> = ancora
3. <img src "link img">
4. <b>bold</b>
5. <i> italic </i>
6. <tt> italic and teletype </tt>
7. <br>rand nou</br>
8. <big> mare </big>
9. <small> mic </small>
10. <s> taiat </s>
11. <u> subliniat </u>
<u> HTML rulez but it's hard to learn </u>
SPEEDkAmmE- Administator
- Mesaje : 132
Data de inscriere : 14/01/2011
Varsta : 31
Localizare : Botosani
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